February 7, 2025

KILGORE LEAVES FOR UIL! | 3A day was Thursday (results soon); 4A is Friday

Above: Kilgore High School Cheer, right before departing for UIL State Spirit Competition at the Fort Worth Convention Center on Thursday. Bulldog Cheer and Gilmer Cheer both compete on Friday — Kilgore in 4A, Division I, and Gilmer in 4A, Division II. (Photo by BRITTANY CLEVELAND, courtesy of SAIDIE HAMBLEN, KILGORE CHEER)

EDITOR’S NOTE: Kilgore Cheer left today for Fort Worth Convention Center for the University Interscholastic League (UIL) State Spirit Competition, which for Class 4A, Divisions I and II is Friday. Thursday was 1A, 2A, and 3A, including cheer programs from Arp, Troup, Tatum, Sabine, White Oak, and Gladewater. And we’ll have results from those soon. Above: Kilgore Cheer, in front of the school sign, and immediately below, in a video waving on the bus as they leave. Gilmer also competes on Friday (in 4A-Division II; we have videos on Gilmer Cheer on the site, too!). By the way, here’s our story, with a link to watch, if you can’t get to Fort Worth. It does include a subscription fee: IT’S UIL STATE CHEER COMPETITION! | Cheer teams from the ETB area hit the road to Fort Worth to compete Thursday & Friday! (W/VIDEO!). As soon as we can, we hope to have Thursday’s results from our Class 3A programs posted here on the site. Good luck, girls, and to all of the cheer programs in the ETBlitz.com coverage area!

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