February 7, 2025

INTRODUCING SABINE’S STRUTTERS! | Meet the 2024-25 Sabine Strutters

The 2024-25 Sabine High School Strutters. (Photo courtesy of SABINE STRUTTERS FACEBOOK PAGE)
The 2024-25 Sabine High School Strutters. (Photo courtesy of SABINE STRUTTERS FACEBOOK PAGE)

Meet the Sabine High School Strutters drill team, for the 2024-25 school year.

Officers are senior Captain Autumn Rhodes; Lieutenant Dakota Wick, also a senior; senior Lieutenant Camryn Tatum; Lieutenant Ava Callejas, a junior; and Lieutenant Emily McBride, also a junior.

Senior Strutters this year are Wick, Tatum, Lillian Odle, Hilary Fuentes, M.J. Ramirez, and Lily Meadows.

Juniors are Kaitlynn Sanchez and Triniti Williams.

Sophomores are Claire Burns, Alana Odle, and Marlie Roper.

And freshmen are Chloe Main, Mallori Manning, Emma Noble, and Peyton Ponder.

The director of the Strutters is Keasha Barnes.

ETBlitz.com plans to have video performances of the Strutters here on the site each week, but we need help to do it. The performances would be placed on the site on Friday nights following the game, or on Saturday mornings. We’re also searching for a sponsor for those weekly videos.

Anyone interested in finding out more can e-mail Mitch Lucas at mlucas@etblitz.com.

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