February 7, 2025

ETBLITZ WELCOMES CLOWER MEAT MARKET | Tradition-rich institution joins the ETBlitz family

Clower Meat Market, serving East Texas the best products for over 50 years, is located at 2705 State Highway 42 North, near the intersection of 42 and Highway 31, in Kilgore. (Photo by MITCH LUCAS – ETBLITZ.COM)

A tradition of excellence since 1969: that says something about the quality of product you get at Clower Meat Market in Kilgore.

And we could not be more proud at ETBlitz.com as we make the announcement that Clower Meat Market is our newest advertising partner.

Clower Meat Market, located at 2705 State Highway 42 North, not far from the intersection of 42 and 31, is what most businesses strive to be: a trusted source of bringing their product to the people of East Texas, and specifically, the Kilgore area, for over 50 years.

“We have a variety of institutions that partner with us in advertising on ETBlitz.com, and I use the word ‘institutions,’ because that’s exactly what they are: built on the foundation of a quality product or service over an extended period of time,” ETBlitz editor / publisher Mitch Lucas said. “I don’t know that anybody fits that description better than Clower Meat Market. Everybody in Kilgore and the surrounding area knows, if you want the very best, you go to the Clowers. Period, end of story.

“And that matches perfectly our existing ad partners in DKT Investments-owned Whataburger, Energy Weldfab, Austin Bank and ETX Electrical: businesses that are owned and operated not by people in Oklahoma City, or Galveston, or Birmingham, not that there’s anything wrong with those places. But they’re businesses that are spearheaded by your East Texas neighbors that care about this part of the state like you do. The Clower family: they’re from here, they have their name on their product and of course, it’s going to be outstanding. They take a lot of pride in the fact that when a customer leaves that store there on Highway 42, they’re taking home the very best. We’re so proud to even be associated with Clower, I can’t say that enough.”

Of course, Clower Meat Market is known for – and the only place you can get – “Oilfield Sausage,” a specialized home-smoked link they prepare (a LOT of) daily.

So what’s the deal with the Oilfield Sausage and how’d it become so established?

Well, because it’s good, first off.

That’s because of what Truman and Bobbie Clower did many years ago, back in the mid 1970s. Mr. Clower, who had envisioned the establishment of a meat market that would become what Clower Meat Market is today, laid the foundation.

He and Bobbie went to an auction in Kilgore, the story goes, and Truman bought a tabletop smokehouse that would only allow eight to 10 pounds of sausage to fit inside. They went ahead and made the purchase, a smokehouse similar to a rotisserie, spinning and slowly cooking the sausage.

Here’s the key, though: the recipe.

Truman grounded his own pork and then created a s special seasoning – a seasoning now branded as Clower Meat Market Seasoning – and hand-stuffed the sausage into the long links himself. In all, about nine hours of preparation and cooking time went into making the sausage, and Truman’s first batch was so good, the couple decided to start sampling it to different service companies in the area, almost all involved in the oilfield industry in one way or another.

Guess what happened? When the service employees traveled – elsewhere in East Texas, West Texas or wherever else – they took the sausage with them and shared it with others, and before long, Truman and Bobbie got a phone call – a gentleman wanted to buy some of that “good sausage.”

The Clowers’ firstborn son, who only knew his father’s new business made breakfast pan sausage, prepped the package for pickup. The man was a bit perturbed on arrival.

“This isn’t the sausage I wanted,” he told the family. “I wanted the one I had in the oilfield!”

It was then Truman realized that his special smoked sausage had traveled far and wide from his tabletop smoker in Kilgore, and, more to the point, that a lot of the oilfield workers had given it a name: “Oilfield Sausage.”

The Clowers officially began selling not only their breakfast sausage, but the “Oilfield Sausage,” too, and off they went.

And while competitors have came and went – over 20 meat markets in the Kilgore area since the Clowers began their business – it’s Clower Meat Market that still remains, a bedrock of quality meat and service that continues today.

Get this: the family is also constantly experimenting with different ingredients to make “Oilfield Sausage” even better. They have found, though, that nothing compares to the original recipe. Now, if you go to Clower Meat Market and ask for that popular “Oilfield Sausage,” you have three options: the original, and its great taste, but also jalapeno cheese and a seasonal special, jalapeno pineapple.

Clower Meat Market is open weekdays, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. until noon – and thank goodness, right? With college football’s first major weekend being this weekend, you’d still have time to run to Clower’s tomorrow morning if you’ve got people headed to your home for supper.

Again, we welcome Clower Meat Market to our advertising family, and if you’d like to visit them on Facebook, their page is simply Clower Meat Market. You can e-mail them at clowermeatmarket@gmail.com, or give them a call at (903) 984-3771.

And for any business who’d like to talk advertising with ETBlitz.com, contact Jared Ray at ads@etblitz.com.

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