March 31, 2025

SENIOR LADY CARDINALS HONORED | Sabine celebrates senior girls

Sabine High School honored its senior girls basketball players Friday night. (Photo courtesy of CHRIS JONES)
Sabine High School honored its senior girls basketball players Friday night. (Photo courtesy of CHRIS JONES through SABINE HIGH SCHOOL)

Sabine High School honored its Lady Cardinals senior basketball players on Friday night prior to its rematch with Gladewater.

And while the game didn’t go Sabine’s way – the Lady Cards lost, 52-43 – they’re still in good shape for the University Interscholastic League’s Class 3A playoffs, into the postseason, as the regular season ends this week.

Coach Sara Cantrell and her Sabine girls will make one last road trip in the regular season: Tuesday at New Diana, roughly a 6 p.m. varsity girls start, and the Sabine varsity boys will follow. That’s it for the regular season for Cantrell’s team, but they’ll be awaiting a playoff opponent.

The Cardinals will play a little longer in the regular year – they have the New Diana game on the road on Tuesday, at Daingerfield on Friday, then home against Hughes Springs the following Tuesday, Feb. 13.

They defeated Gladewater, by the way, and the Cardinals are perfect – 7-0 – in District 15-3A basketball with three games to go.

But about those seniors. managed to get our hands on the script honoring the senior Lady Cardinals, and we’re presenting it here to honor them online.

The first senior recognized was number five, Kylee Longhofer. Kylee has been a member of the varsity basketball team for two years. She was escorted by her parents, Larry and Wendy Longhofer.

Kylee’s favorite memory:

“ …When a couple of us were sitting in the locker room after class, and all we hear was a very loud noise and then we saw Bailey (Pierce) walk in with a knot, the size of a ping pong ball in the middle of her forehead because she was on her phone and ran into the metal box in the hallway. All I can say is for that practice, we all had a nice big target when passing to Bailey.”

Kylee’s future plans are to attend college and get a degree in Business Management. 

In her words: “First, I would like to thank my parents for always being there and supporting me in everything I do. To Loren and Ella, we’ve been playing basketball together since seventh grade, and I can’t believe this is our last time playing on our home court.

“Autumn and Bailey, thank you for always giving me a reason to laugh with many of your blonde moments. I can’t wait to come and cheer y’all on next year. I love yall. Lastly, I would like to thank Coach Cantrell and Coach Barker for believing in our team, even on our worst days. Both of y’all have taught us so many things, for example, to control our controllables, what it means to be all in, to have our hair on fire (basketball girls get it), and last but not least, my favorite, It’s Always A Great Day to be a Lady Cardinal.”

Next up was number 10, Ella Roberts. Ella has been a member of the varsity basketball team for three years. She was escorted by her parents, Doug and Cassie Roberts.

Ella’s favorite memory is when the team tried to beat Coach Cantrell back to the locker room for our pre-game talk “while everyone looks at us like we’re crazy,” she said.

Ella’s future plans are to attend the University of Texas at Tyler to major in education 

“I would like to thank Mom, Dad, and Grandma for taking the time to always come and support me at all of my games,” she said. “I would also like to thank my sister for being someone to practice with and play against. Even though you’re “Broke Betty” now, I’m very grateful that I was able to play my last season with you.

“Thank you to my teammates for always making basketball fun, competitive, and something that I look forward to every day. There truly is no other team that has a family bond like this one. Finally, thank you to Coach Cantrell and Coach Barker for always pushing me to do my best on and off the court. Both of y’all have impacted my life tremendously and have easily made basketball my favorite sport.”

Next up was number 24, Loren Colquitt. Loren has been a member of the varsity basketball team for two years. She was escorted by her mom, Kim Colquitt, her dad Gregg Colquitt, and her brother Korben Colquitt.

“I would have to say that one of many of my favorite memories include waking up to Ella and Cait knocking on my window at my house singing ‘Do you wanna build a snowman’ just to get me to go to open gym,” she said. “That day I walked out with my blanket and a ½ gallon of ice cream, semi-willingly headed to the gym.”

Loren’s future plans are to attend Texas State University in San Marcos and get a degree in Kinesiology to become an Athletic Trainer. 

“First off, I would like to thank Coach Cantrell and Coach Barker for not only setting me up for success in sports, but in life as well,” she said. “Thank you for not only being a role model to me but to many, and impacting each of our lives as a team. I would also like to my family and friends for being my biggest support no matter what; and to Korben, thank you for being the best brother anyone could ask for.

“As for the two I walked out with tonight, Kylee and Ella, thank you for the 12 plus years of friendship and all the shared moments that turned to memories. To my pawpaw, I know you’ll always be with me and watching over me, I love you and miss you. Last but not least, I would like to thank God for giving me the ability to play the sport I love with a team that became a family. I love you all and as always, ‘It’s a great day to be a Lady Cardinal.’”

The next senior we would like to recognize is our manager, Saqqara Sample. Saqqara has been a member of the varsity basketball team for four years. She was escorted by her parents Sylvia Austin and Red Sample. 

Saqqara says her favorite memories are: “the traditional Christmas scavenger hunt when I got run over by a car or the haunted hotel room with Maddy and Taylor in Tenaha, and every memory with my sister.”

Her future plans are to attend Southern University and A&M College to major in nursing to be a pediatric nurse with a minor in music with her singing. 

 “Thank you to Maddy, Kaitlynn, Taylor and Jayda for making my last year one to remember,” Saqqara said. “I will miss you guys. Thank you to my parents and family for being here today and thank you Coach Cantrell for allowing me to be a part of this family, I’ve truly enjoyed every year. To the rest of the Lady Cards, I love you guys; keep working hard.” 

Coach Cantrell had one final word.

“I would like you seniors to know how much I loves you all, and appreciates all you have put into, not only your time as varsity players, but the years prior to that, which have molded you into the young ladies and players that you are today. I am proud of who you have become, on and off of the court, and I look forward to the rest of the season. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for each of you. Good luck in all that you do, and as always, IT’S A GREAT DAY TO BE A LADY CARDINAL!”

In the game, Ella Roberts led the way with 11 points. Autumn Rhodes had eight points. Caitlyn Stewart and Maddy Pierce each had seven points. Landry Griffith had four, Kaitlynn Sanchez had three, Bailey Pierce, two and Loren Colquitt, one.

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