SABINE’S HOLLIE BOONE IS MISS GREGG COUNTY! | A photo gallery by Jenna Lucas
EDITOR’S NOTE: Not normally in our wheelhouse, but a friend of asked us to be at Miss Gregg County at the Gregg County Fairgrounds in Longview on Thursday night, and we decided you guys might like some photos. Executive Editor Jenna Lucas was there with her camera (Ashtyn Lucas took a few, too, we must confess), and while the lighting wasn’t the best, the girls were at their best. Sabine High School’s Hollie Boone was named 2024 Miss Gregg County. First runner-up was Longview High School’s Belinda Olvera. Spring Hill’s Katelyn Hall was named Miss Congeniality. Sabine High’s fans won the spirit award. And apparently a great time was had by all. And here’s your photo gallery!