ONE LAST TIME | McPherson, Silvertooth get it done, win scholarship funds, boat as fishing team

Walk away when you’re on top, it’s said.
It’s better if you can do it with $10,000 worth of scholarship money and a boat, we say.
That’s what Sabine High School seniors Jaydan McPherson and Cade Silvertooth say, too, apparently, and that’s what they’re doing. The pair – after fishing together competitively for the Cardinals’ fishing team for four years – fished their final time as a duo last weekend at Lake Tyler, and walked out as the winners of $10,000 in team scholarship funds from Ultimate High School Fishing (Home (, and with a boat from Plano Marine.
The Skeeter bass boat presented is at a value of $47,000.

One of McPherson and Silvertooth’s teammates, Hunter Stuckey, also finished in the top 10 at Lake Tyler in the UHSF Classic last weekend. Madison Pierce and Camryn Tatum were 13th in points and were awarded a $1,000 team scholarship.
The teams who fish in the events, including teams from Kilgore, Hallsville, Harleton, West Rusk, Maud, Timpson, and many others, fished seven locations this school year, beginning back on September 23 with Lake O’The Pines. Silvertooth and McPherson won that event with a net weight of 13.17 pounds of bass, 305 points.

They were sixth at Lake Wright Patman on Oct. 28 (13.32 net weight, but the winners, a team from Maud, had almost 16 pounds).
December 2 took them to Toledo Bend South, and the guys hit for 13.56 pounds, and actually came in behind teammates Stuckey and Hudson Pepper on that one.
On Jan. 27, they went to Lake Bob Sandlin, they caught 10.06 pounds.
They finished up with a trip to Lake Tyler, to Toledo Bend north and Lake Sam Rayburn, and headed into the classic, Cade and Jaydan led the overall standings with 2,100 points, ahead of Hallsville’s Kyle Cheney and Bubba Butler by just 29 points. And Cheney and Butler did win the Classic.
But Silvertooth and McPherson headed home with scholarship funds and the prize from Plano Marine. And they wanted to thank all their supporters, teammates and everyone who helped them this year, from Ellen Stuckey, family and friends, to their boat captain, Cade’s dad, Chad Silvertooth.
Well – new homes, of sorts, after graduation at Sabine this Saturday.

Silvertooth will be headed to Texas A&M University, where he will major in Turfgrass Science and fish on the Aggies’ fishing team, as well. Silvertooth told on Monday he has made contact with the team, and been told he has a spot.
And what about McPherson?
He’ll be fishing, too, and not far from home.
Jaydan will go to East Texas Baptist University in Marshall, where he’ll study Business and also compete on the Tigers’ fishing team.
The only sad part about this week is that it’s the technical breakup of one of Sabine’s great duos. You see, Cade and Jaydan have been fishing many years, and they’ve been fishing together as a team since they were freshmen.
A reunion on the lake one day? Maybe as pros?
You never know what the future holds.
Jaydan is the son of Erica and Brandt McPherson, and Cade is the son of Sarah and Chad Silvertooth, a couple of very proud parents of these multi-talented young men.